Hello, I wish to share my testimonial for Cindy for all others to benefit.

I’ve made a great connection with Cindy who is my “go to” guide in times of need. I go to her for questions and concerns regarding situations in my personal and professional life. Sometimes to ask her input about the events of the world at large.

Her careful and thoughtful response always makes me feel better about myself as I do feel embarrassed with some of my situations I get myself into. Her way of defusing a negative event into a possibility of being positive and a chance for me to learn and grow.

Cindy has many tools and can direct me into an action plan that will support my areas of need.

Cindy is normal in the sense that she isn’t bizarre although some of her skills are.

Cindy is trustworthy and modern sage and I call her my friend.

It is my pleasure to share her with the world.


Dear Cindy’

I wanted to send you a note and let you know how much your dowsing helped our family. We had an immediate ability to sleep better, which has made us all much happier!!

But what i have found over the past few months is the house is calmer. There is such a warm feeling around our home and all of us seem to just be at a better state of ease. when you’re deeling with a sick family memeber ans a house with teenagers, that ffeeling of ease and calm makes a world of difference.

Thank you so very much for helping our home, our family and enriching our lives.


I am enjoying the ability to create the outcome of my daily life. The techniques you have taught me are reassuring that I now have a personal understanding of how my conscious intent, works for me., followed by anchoring actions will bring to me my desired outcome to me.

Now that I have enough successful experience in this process I trust and continue this exercise for the sheer pleasure of seeing the delightful results.

Thanks for making the corporate world more fun. My coworkers would frown at my vision board.

Thank again !

Cindy was my safe place;

In 2018 when I began my awakening journey I had no prior spiritual knowledge or connection and no understanding of what was happening to (for) me.

Cindy held beautiful space for me and helped me understand and integrate myself into my new world. I now do this for others and am SO GRATEFUL I was blessed to meet you Cindy <3