“KNOWLEDGE —> {experience & action} —> WISDOM ”
You will have a personal and custom plan laid out for you and your most important needs.
Using my 37 years of personal coaching and life skills that I draw from to uniquely access for you as a life coach.
You will choose from vairety of tried and tested techniques towards your personal list of goals and desired outcomes.
You will achieve this more easily by placing your energy in focused strategies drawing solutions from a place of less resistence.
Science, biology, and metaphysics are ready to prove that frequency matches your reality. Changing the way you think and operate in this advanced manner will greatly assist you.
Moving from the mindset of working hard to get what you want to the softer power of feeling the goodness of being in the state of already living that way.
This is all available to you using the laws of the universe and our plan for you.
LOR- Laws of Radiation (vibration) are working for you either negatively or positively. It’s your work in motion.
The Law of Radiation. What do you send out in your world ? How positive are your thoughts? These thoughts are directly related to what you attract. Gratitude is necessary for receiving.
LOA- The Law of Attraction with the law of creating and the law of receiving. The great example of high performing people like athletes envision that they are already reaching their goal.
Awareness that energy can flow to us like an open door. So many times the physical creation is ready to show up in your life and then you abandon your work.
Mindset and meditations for connection and protection from your old way of operating to create a daily habit and acquired graces are a focus.
Many have followed my guidance and are very loyal beneficiaries of our collaboration.
Will you say YES to insured action? Do you believe that if you are here, you are ready to leap.
Will I have the honour of serving you?
Feng Shui is the enhancement art of the Chinese to increase or activate chi, Prana or life force energy using Colour Power.
This is long range of practical applications starting from de-cluttering, creating air flow through the rooms of our home, the use of colours that represent meaning, furniture placement.
Identify best colours (or symbols that invoke good feelings) to use in your environment and on your personal self.
General Feng Shui and personal LOA (Law of Attraction). Personal Feng Shui uses the four compass directions of your Birth Date.
Brain waves will respond with in 30 seconds when a room’s energy has been increased with Feng Shui.
Did you know, 1/3 of health is due to your environment!
Detecting and curing of non beneficial energies in and around the home/office and aura field.
Curing underground water friction from areas such as under beds or desks.
Correcting disturbed natural earth energy lines caused by electrical wiring, EMF, cell towers, underground water or fault lines.
Even non beneficial actions like abuse, divorce, illness, unhappy deaths. These scars are unseen, but nonetheless harmful.
Vision Boards
For personal protection, creating a clear and strong aura field.
Use of universal laws like the Law Of Attraction, Cause and Effect, Law of Radiation etc.
Personal LOA (Law of Attraction) using the birth date you entered this world with.
"Counting Your Blessings" as a manifestation practice.
Space Clearing
It’s important to clear out unwanted belongings. This allows room for something new.
Make room Removing low energy residue from the aura fields of us and our homes or work spaces.
This could be emotional, mental or etheric. Improvements that will guide towards a loving healthy life, mind, body and spirit.
This clears the space for high intention vibration to fill the space allowing for a supportive environment for productive vitality.
Personal Healing
The Golden Hue Pendulum has an ancient combination of geometric shapes that can receive and distribute the Golden Hue.
This light frequency has just recently been available to us enmass.
Before this, we functioned on the seven colours of the rainbow that are found within our chakra system.
Clearing and balancing chakras and many other high vibration healing purposes.